Flow / Flowing
My words for 2023 are flow & flowing. To be in the flow and flowing at all times with the Creator and Spirit vs. in my head with paralysis and over thinking.
Mic Drop
Ok, that’s all.
Well, not really. Let’s explore this concept of being in flow. The definition is to move along, circulate, an outpouring, an overflowing, forward progress. Movement is key … action, allowing, surrendering, going with the flow!
I am a very seriously addicted “over - thinker” ( cue my friends and family as they sigh with relief that I am now admitting my addiction and asking my Higher Power for HELP!)
And this past year two years with so much drama, change, loss, and and and …. I became paralyzed with over anaylisis and hyper focus on details to “keep myself busy” … when what I really needed was a much needed break, and to shift back to my calling of being the artist and holding safe space for others to create. I needed to give myself permission to rest, and heal from being the warrior that solved all problems. By the way, I do have a GOD for that! In almost every religion, 12 step program and spiritual practice, there is a practice of surrender. Even science calls us to surrender. Just watch Mother Nature. She’s in control. We might as well go with the flow.
With my surrender to being in the FLOW, I am also taking on the action verb of FLOWING. One of my greatest mentors lives this way, flowing first thing in the morning with her daily Yoga practice, journaling and then starting her day with guided intention. I intrinsically know in my heart that if I flow first thing every day , it will open up a creative portal of flow to come to me … in and out. I like to call this, “God flowing in and out”. I become a conduit and then miraculously life flows, health is better and there is a gentle unfolding.
So my dear ones, although you may have a different calling or word for 2023, where can you flow more in your life, business and being? What does flow look like, and feel like for you?
For me, it looks like surrender, trust and small next steps. It feels like floating in the water.
With much love and vulnerability,